The House of Black

It is with distinct pleasure and with tremendous honor that we formally announce the forming of our House, The House of Black.

“House” is used in several different ways within the BDSM scene, but always to represent a group of individuals pursuing some common purpose and wishing to establish some form of identity together. The “House of Black” will represent our family structure within our D/s dynamic, and our home will serve as a House of Domination lead by Master HD Black. The goal for our identity is very simple, it is my command that our family will represent the very finest in the lifestyle and bring light to the darkness. We will be the first openly D/s dynamic billion dollar family.

House of Black Dynamic

Our family is lead by Master HD Black, or “Daddy” or “Master” to those in his service. Daddy has been in the lifestyle for over 25 years and is passionate about elevating and never degrading his beautiful submissives. HD follows a style of BDSM called Romantic submission that he adopted late in his career as a way to harness his intense energy and create a synergy that burns hotter than the sun. Learn more about Daddy by clicking here!

To support HD Black is his long time Director of Operations, friend and right hand, Miss Sandi. Miss Sandi has been with Daddy for over 20 years and has served him in various different capacities over the decades. There is no one on this planet that Daddy trusts more than Miss Sandi. A little known fact, Miss Sandi was once a professional Domme, (a female dominatrix). Her talents come into play when Daddy’s ladies get a little rowdy.

You will be hard pressed to find Daddy without one of his loyal bed slaves near by. Daddy has an extremely high sex drive and during any given night he can wear our one or more of his slaves. “Babygirl” is his preferred pleasure and sensual touch slave and also has the very distinct pleasure of caring for his best friend Bandit.

The House Structure

Master HD Black will formally present his family in due time. Mr. Black has earned the submission of this Divine Dynamic, a challis of Divine submissives. HD Black’s Divine submissives will be elevated to the legal and official title of Lady of the House of Black. They will take on the legal and formal name of The House. Their legal titles will carry legal Scottish Nobility and upon their permanent collaring ceremony they will legally change their name and forever conduct themselves as Ladies of The House of Black. Master HD Black is currently vetting for a Divine submissive.

Master’s Command

House Formation - House of Black North

It is my command that Ms Sandi will oversee the acquisition, renovation, decoration and management of “House of Black North” The HOB-North will serve as a beacon in the dark for those seeking the light. Though Black, it will be a place of family gatherings and also a showcase for the BDSM arts through proper coaching and training of Dominants and submissives. This home will represent the extreme Masculine Dominant energy in the North or “Top”. This home will also serve as a key attraction and destination for those seeking a different Air BnB experience.

House Formation - The Serenity House of the South

It is my command that the House of Black establishes “The Serenity House of the South.” This is a soft home of feminine energy, a strong counter balance to the intense masculine energy in the north. It will also serve as a template for the fetish style AirBnb apartments that will be in our REIT.

House Formation - The Tennessee Mountain House

It is my command that Lady Raven Black will over see the acquisition and management of our Tennessee Mountain House. Tennessee will be the home for Masters shooting and sportsman activities and will be the home of our Black Percheron horses and our black angus herd. The Black Angus raised on our ranch will go directly to supply Black’s Steakhouse, Cocktails & Kink restaurant. Lady Raven will also raise our twin Cane Corso Italian Black Mastiffs as well as oversee the day to day business operations of The Tennessee Mountain House. Lady Raven is a Queen in every sense of the word. She is an old soul with a strong desire to grow and build the House of Black. Her gentle presence in Master Black’s life elevates him to the highest form of a Gentleman Dominant.

House Formation - The Hurricane House of St. Kitts & Nevis

St. Kitts and Nevis is a bastion of freedom offering virtually no income taxes, non-extradition treaty country, no estate taxes and allows us to operate our hedge fund offshore thus providing us with dual citizenship and the Caribbean passport. Master Black will be moving Black Haus Capital operations to St. Kitts & Nevis as of Jan 2024. So it is with this Master Black commands Lady Rhea Black to maintain the Hurricane House. The Hurricane House gains its name because St. Kitts and Nevis is one of the top hurricane and a cyclone target destinations in the Caribbean.

Business Expansion - The Perfect Storm, bring on the Lotus Flower & Lone Wolf!

The Lotus flower symbolizes purity and represents strength, resilience, & healing and thusly so will be the official flower of our fine House.

It is my command that The House of Black will prepare for expansion of the following brands

  • Harley Daddy Brand in conjunction with his PR and management team

  • Development of Master Black’s passion projects

  • Fortitude - All of Daddy’s submissives will be in his group coaching program

  • Under the House of Black brand we will launch two themed restaurants. The first is a Biker bar theme for Daytona, Myrtle and Sturgis, SD. The second, a Primal Fare Farm to Table Steakhouse with a Locally sourced spirits and wine. A steakhouse with Cock-tails and Kink (stay tuned for details until IP protection in place)

  • House of Black, a House of Domination will open its academy for the training of Dominants & Dommes and will also serve as a playhouse for very select VIP members

  • The House of Black has signed a partnership agreement with an equity from based in Tampa, Fl. As of June 2022, Florida will be the primary residence of HD Black.

  • Master Black in combination with 3 other partners has launched Black Haus Capital

  • Willing members of The House of Black will have duel citizenship.

  • 4° Podcast & Mastermind Launched Jan 2023

  • Master Black has established an additional residence in Las Vegas as of 2023

Master’s Vision for our House

As a Sigma Male and Dominant of MY House it is my pledge and commitment that I will provide and protect this House, even long after my death.

To do this I will use a every resource at my disposal and every skill acquired over a lifetime as a warrior. Firstly, I will form our House as a legal corp entity which will be placed in a double blind Trust. Additionally, I will surround this House with my Iron Council with indestructible and loyal professionals that will protect and advise this House in all matters. Next, but never last, all submissives in my service will have a sizable life insurance policy on HD Black, a.k.a. Shawn C. O’Neil payable into the House of Black Trust. Alive or Dead, Daddy commits that this House, my House, The House of Black will live in abundance for eternity. While I am still in the fight, I commit that I will serve this family to the levels never seen and I’ve never done. This is my LEGACY, as a man committed to being his very best, this House will mirror that same exact passion, if not more intensely.

Masters Priority

Next to Character, nothing is more important to Daddy than his children. Because of his childhood trauma it is important to Daddy that all children in the family have a strong positive loving masculine energy to protect and guide them.

Ownership has many responsibilities and many blesssings and so it is with a humble heart and open arms that I welcome all of the children of our House into my embrace.

A relationship with me is always voluntary and my offer for all children in my House is that I am here to support you, guide you and if you so choose I would be honored to officially adopt you.

I made a commitment to my children that I would never have more babies and I will maintain that commitment. I will however adopt any child in my House that wants a real father. My love is infinite and my heart and soul are open and I will treat them as if they are my own blood, my own children, because with an ownership mindset, they already are.

Simplified House Hierarchy

Master Black, CEO of House of Black will be in command of all Real Estate and Businesses.

Each “Home” or House Asset, will be operated by 1 Divine submissive who will take on the title of “Lady” upon receiving Master Black’s permanent collar and has assumed responsibility of the home.

Each Divine submissive will be supported by any number of male of female slaves.

Master Black on a professional level will be served by Ms. Sandi who will later reside at and take over responsibility for the Tennessee Mountain House

Master Black will accept other members into the House of Black, however he will only have 1 Divine submissive per residence.

Future expansion will take place in Puerto Vallarta

Future expansion and dual citizenship will occur in St. Kitts or Nevis

In closing, it is the greatest honor of my life to have my Divine submissives kneel before me and it is my commitment that I will exceed every expectation for our House and I further pledge to protect and provide for this House from this day forward. Submission is always voluntarily and is only earned with the highest levels of trust and respect, you humble me. At any time, if the spot light as one of my Divine submissives is too much and you would still like to remain in my service, with my permission you can elevate someone in your stead, you will never be asked to leave my service or protection. You will however remain in a subordinate role and you will be removed of your permanent collar.

Thank you for bestowing upon me such a great honor.

Master HD Black


Into the Dark Abyss…


What is a Daddy Dom!