Into the Dark Abyss…

The song “December 1963,” with the chorus “Oh what a night,” is on the radio. i can’t help but smile and agree. How do I describe an evening that’s a cross between a Penthouse forum article and a fantasy come alive? Master has given me the honor of nominating me to become the Lady of the House of Black, but he also has designated me his “Dirty Little Whore,” (DLW). What a juxtaposition, to be the Lady of my Masters home, a regal, graceful submissive, and his DLW, ready and oh so willing to do anything and every kinky taboo thing He demands of me. What a lucky grateful girl i am!

Since designating me his DLW a week ago, Master has teased me about the kinky possibilities to come. My body trembles in anticipation. My mind reels at the prospect of being able to explore every fantasy i’ve kept locked away deep in the recesses of my soul.

Master announced yesterday that He would be taking me and my two sister submissives to a party that evening and that i should get ready because i was to be the main attraction. my mind raced, as it often does, questions swirling around in my brain not to be voiced because i do not question my Master. i have learned i can trust Him implicitly, and questioning negates that trust.

We RSVP’d for the party; i haven’t been to this type of event, a sex party, in many years; I was younger and much more naïve about the lifestyle. My sister subs and i got ready, and we had to be ready for inspection from Master in front of the Saint Andrews Cross promptly at 7:15 pm. Hair, a high ponytail that Master likes, makeup, subtle yet striking red lipstick, and the outfit that consisted of a black leather corset, barely there short black skirt, no panties, and black high heels. An appraising look and a smack on the ass let me know He approved.

Master got his bag of tools and toys, and we followed Him to the car. As i sat in the driver’s seat, there was nothing between my ass and already wet pussy and my seat. The anticipation of what was to come had me antsy and distracted. His comments reference possible activities causing my submissive self to squirm. Master seemed to relish in my discomfort, His inner Sadist coming out to play in full force.

We arrived 30 minutes later at the house. As i stepped out of the car, Master immediately ordered me to stand before Him and turn around. He placed two blindfolds snuggly over my eyes, throwing me into pitch blackness, and the sounds of the party seemed to heighten immediately. Master hooked a leash to my play collar, already very tight around my throat. My safety net was this stiff black collar of leather and metal. I felt a tug, and i followed Master into an unknown abyss. My sister, submissive Hannah, grabbed my right hand to feel her soft hand in mine, her thumb gently caressing my knuckles as she whispered beautiful words of love and compliments of my beauty. Oh, what comfort my Hannah brings me as Master grabs my left hand and places it on his belt so I may follow Him more easily.

We make our way inside, and the sounds of life, laughter, conversation, and kink are happening all around me. i see not a thing, but i can feel, i feel the roughness of Masters’s belt in my left hand, and the softness of Hannah’s hand in my right, but mostly i feel the energy. i feel the power of Masters’s confidence, strength, and protectiveness of all of us, and i feel the energy of the room change as we enter. The power of our entrance could be felt; we caused a shift, an aura of mystique and sensuality.

After Master walked us through the crowd, He took us to a not-so-private room so He could set up his beautiful, sexy tools used for pleasure and pain. i stood listening to Him move, hearing the rattle of the chains, the electric current as he tested the wand, and the rustle of rope. i stood there, not knowing who was looking at me and, more importantly, not caring. Tonight was about doing whatever my Master, Master Black, desired of me.

i sensed Him approaching me, as i always do. His strong masculine energy causes my feminine energy to swirl and bow to him, as His presence causes my body to tingle, my nipples to harden, and my pussy to dampen. He removed my corset and took down my skirt, i was naked sans my heels and collar, wholly exposed to whoever was present, and maybe i should have felt vulnerable or scared, but instead, i felt sexy, powerful, and desired. As all of these feelings coursed through me, i just hoped that my Master was pleased and that I would be precisely what He required.

He put my left hand on his arm, Hannah took my hand, He tugged my leash, and we walked. Where? I know not. i only know what i heard, the sounds of admiration, desire, and friendly banter. Hannah whispered in my ear that everyone was looking at all of us. How could they not, I thought; Master is a force to be reckoned with, strong, powerful, sexy, oozing charisma, and yet at the same time protectiveness and Dominance over us. My sister Babygirl, young and wearing an outfit that would make ANYONE want to know what was underneath, have of her fantastic ass peaking out. And my other sister Hannah, red hair and beautifully white skin that glows. Her little latex outfit left little to the imagination, but she wears it with a playful innocence and sexuality all rolled into one. And I, naked, my long blond hair in a high ponytail, bright red lipstick, tall, thin with perky nipples. What a scene we must have caused. As we walked, I could feel the energy and awe of everyone around us.

Master brought us back to the room where His tools were laid out, and he sat me on a leather couch. The coolness of it against my naked body caused my nipples to harden even more. Hannah held my hand and described the room and the looks we were getting from the growing crowd. This excited me; I wanted to be on display, i worked hard for this body, and i wanted to feel the desire of strangers for Masters possession.

i heard him use the electric wand on Babygirl; the sounds of her reaction, of her cumming filled the room. My sense of hearing heightened. i could hear every pulse of electricity, and every one of her cries of pleasure filled my head. When she came, Master brought her to the couch and told me to stand up.

As i did so, i felt him take one of my nipples in his warm mouth, a little lick, and suck, and on to the other. My head was back as i felt Him tease my tits with his mouth, his strong hands caressing my body. He pulled back, and His warm wet mouth was replaced with something cold and sharp. He explained that he had knives and wanted to play. i moaned again; i have always been curious about knifeplay and never knew i’d get the opportunity to experience something so sexy and seemingly dangerous simultaneously. i felt the cold, sharp metal travel all over my body, the sting when the blade went a little too deep, and yet each time the blade caressed and pierced my skin, every single one of my cells reacted. The anticipation of what He would do next caused my breath to quicken; He knew exactly what to do to cause me to shake and moan. Why did i love this so much? Why did my body feel so alive, more alive and awake than i can remember feeling for a very long time?

The cool blade left my body, and i stood there, my cells awake and alive i felt a burst of electricity hit my leg. i jumped, and His strong hand steadied me. The electricity touched my legs in various places, my stomach, and then my sensitive clit. my knees buckled, and He caught me; i yelped in pleasure and a pain i’d not experienced before. My body was on fire, and there was pain, but the pleasure i felt coursing through me was unknown. i wanted it to stop, but at the same, i honestly didn’t; i wanted to see how far this feeling could go. Where could that little electric bolt take me? He pulled back, His strong hands caressing me; so many sensations my brain was trying to process; my loss of sight heightened everything i felt. The blade, the electric current, his hands, everything at once. i was intertwining and swirling all around me. Time meant nothing; all the voices and sounds became white

noise in my ears. My breath came in short rapid heaves, and my brain was screaming for more.

Then I felt a tug on my leash. That tug brought me back into my body which i temporarily left in the exploration of the sensations i was feeling. The feeling of that tug puts a smile on my face even as i write this. That tug denotes His ownership of me, of my submission to only Him. He said He was taking me for a walk. My God was i excited; how could i feel this much pleasure from just being on display with Master? He led me around, growling in my ear occasionally about how pleased He was with the attention we were getting, the lust He was seeing in people’s eyes for me.

We stopped, and he told me to put my hand down; i did as instructed and felt warm water envelop my hand. “We are at the hot tub, and everyone is looking at you.” He whispered in my ear. Then i heard him say Yes, and two hands were placed on my breasts, two wet soft feminine hands, cupping and pulling on my nipples. i leaned my head back and felt my body react to this stranger touching me, she was talking to me, so i just shook my head. i was not authorized to speak, which seemed to excite her more. She gripped my nipples and squeezed and rolled them between her fingers; i couldn’t help but moan. Master had his hands on my shoulders; he squeezed them, said that was enough for now, and steered me away. The tease of it, the want for more. Master sensed this; He knows what i want, He knows what i desire, He knows my secret fantasies and fears.

He took me back to his toy room and sat me down again. He told me to stay put as he walked around with Hannah and then Babygirl. As i sat there, cold leather against my skin, i felt the woman’s hands on my tits again. Master’s breath on my neck and hands on my shoulders, letting me know He was there. I got wet again. Soon Master was back again, and again i felt that satisfying tug.

i got up, He put my hand on his arm, and i proudly followed Him. Soon we were back at the hot tub. i heard my name, and i heard Master being asked if i could be touched, and he said, “Absolutely.” And then came the hands; as more people came and asked for permission, i felt more hands, more caresses, more want and desire. i felt warm water being trickled down my breasts and body. my nipples were getting squeezed, and the water was causing them to tighten. my head was back again; Master was close, and I could sense Him. He was watching; i could feel his eyes on me. i could not stop the moans as the unknown strangers fondled my body. The want and need inside of me roared like a lion. my body was dying to be taken, used, and filled up. And then, the warm water trickling over my body became ice cold. My whole body pulsed. The cold water caused a yelp of pleasure, a sharp intake of breath, and the feeling of my nipples hardening like tiny jewels. i could hear and feel the happiness and lust of my reaction by my secret fondlers.

Master was also pleased by my reaction. He said some words i can’t recall as my brain and body were competing on what they should process first. So much pleasure, so much want inside of me. i was ready for Him to tie me to the cross in the middle of the room and let anyone have their way with me. But He thinks for me; he makes the choices and decides who can touch me. Master always has a plan; how His brain works astounds and humbles me. As He was leading me away, i heard a man say, “Man, that’s awesome; that takes a lot of trust.” i don’t know if He meant it was much trust for Master to allow others to fondle me or if it was much trust for me to allow Master to decide on who touches me. Without question, there is trust. i was and am in His hands. He leads, and I follow. i am His to do with as He pleases, which causes me to feel such passion and desire not only for Him but to serve Him.

He led me back to our room and sat me on the leather couch again next to the beautiful Hannah. He then ran another scene with Babygirl. i don’t know if it was tools, toys, or fisting but my God, the

sounds she made. The sounds of her pleasure caused my want and need to be filled up to become almost overwhelming. There were seemingly endless noises of pleasure that caused many bodies to enter and watch; i could not see them but could feel them. Their desire and curiosity intermingled. As i sat there, my brain and body were still comprehending the evening. My level of lust was higher than i could recall.

When they were done, i heard them pack away Masters’s tools and toys. i felt that beautiful tug on my throat, and i got up. We went outside to the pool, and Master had me stand where all could see me. The cool night air against my skin caused my nipples and muscles to tighten, yet i didn’t care. i could feel eyes on me. i could hear the sounds of a woman being flogged, each strike sounding like it was happening right next to me. her screams of pleasure caused me to stand there, naked, in front of strangers, not caring and so aroused. Now and then, Master would reposition me, taking His time, letting His hands linger on me. Each of His touches sent pulses of desire and want through me. i felt alive and invigorated.

Soon it was time to depart. Master asked if i would like to get dressed or walk to the car naked. i asked if i could remain naked. i wanted to continue to feel the night air against my skin. i wanted to continue to feel the energy of the night and the party and all i’d experienced coursing through my veins. i wanted to relish the looks Master, my sisters, and I would get leaving.

We all walked to my car, and Master removed my blindfolds. i came into the light and stumbled a bit. i felt like i was slightly drunk. The rush of sight was almost overwhelming. Master wrapped me in a big hug and placed his bag in my car. i got dressed slowly and methodically. i felt the warm leather corset tighten back in place and raised the short skirt to cover my vulnerable femininity a bit more.

i sat in the driver’s seat for a long moment, becoming thoroughly acclimated to sight again before i started the engine. i could close my eyes and feel everything all over again, coming in waves, crashing against me.

What do i call this evening, this experience? i still don’t know the answer. i do know that i am forever grateful to my Master for allowing me to serve Him. To be His submissive, the Lady of His House, and His Dirty Little Whore. my brain and every inch of my body tingles in anticipation of what the future holds for me. Master gives me a look, and I’m dying to know, to feel what’s to come. But for now, i will have patience; for what kind of submissive would dare rush her Master?

So, i will continue to bow before Him, kneel at His feet, and wait for His commands. Oh, my God, what a night....




The House of Black