Master Black’s Protocols

The House of Black submissive & slave General Protocols

1. Rules and Dynamics: D/s relationships are structured around rules. A dominant establishes these, and a submissive abides by them.

2. Communication: A submissive should never tell a Dominant what to think, do, or feel. They can make requests but never demands.

3. Speaking Protocol: A submissive should never speak over their Dominant. When the Dominant begins to speak, the submissive stops and listens immediately.

4. Advice: A submissive may offer advice only when their Dominant requests it.

5. Respect and Consideration: Always be respectful and considerate towards everyone, especially the Dominant. A submissive’s behavior directly reflects on their Dominant.

6. Orders and Execution: Carrying out orders promptly and efficiently is crucial. If an order is unclear, the submissive should ask the Dominant for clarity.

7. Trust: Trust the Dominant’s decisions and intentions. They often see the bigger picture and have the submissive’s best interests at heart.

8. Open-mindedness: Be willing to try new experiences. If a submissive discovers they enjoy something new, they should communicate this to their Dominant.

9. Emotional Regulation: A submissive must control their emotions and choice of words. Respect should always be shown, even when upset.

10. Health: Any health issues or concerns should be communicated to the Dominant immediately.

11. Sharing Feelings: Negative feelings or issues shouldn’t be bottled up. Use appropriate etiquette and communicate these to the Dominant or note them in a submissive journal.

12. Intelligence: A submissive’s intelligence is valuable. While humility is essential, it’s also important to share ideas respectfully.

13. Resilience: Challenges will arise. Find strength and, if needed, seek support from the Dominant.

14. Safe Words: Use safe words when necessary. They are essential communication tools within scenes and activities.

15. Positive Attitude: Keeping a positive mindset will make the experience more rewarding for both the submissive and the Dominant.

16. Availability: A submissive should be available and prepared for their Dominant when needed, ensuring they are well-rested, clean, and mentally ready.

17. Attire Protocols: A submissive should wear what the Dominant desires, which may include specific clothing, jewelry, or other symbolic items.

18. Greeting Protocol: On meeting, the submissive should have a designated posture or form of greeting to show respect to the Dominant.

19. Privacy & Confidentiality: Details about the relationship, intimate activities, or the Dominant’s preferences should not be disclosed without the Dominant’s explicit consent.

20. Training: A submissive should be open to new training opportunities and work consistently to enhance their skills.

21. Daily Rituals: Adherence to daily rituals set by the Dominant, such as sending morning messages or recapping daily events, is crucial.

22. Journaling: Maintain a daily journal detailing feelings, experiences, and lessons learned, available for the Dominant’s review.

23. Safety: Ensure a safe environment for BDSM activities. Regularly clean and inspect all tools, toys, and equipment.

24. Check-ins: Regularly scheduled check-ins between the Dominant and submissive are essential to discuss feelings, boundaries, and overall relationship health.

25. Public Behavior: Act in ways that honor the Dominant in public settings. This includes engagement with others, posture, and overall demeanor.

26. Well-being & Self-Care: A submissive should prioritize their physical and mental well-being, ensuring they’re in optimal condition to serve their Dominant.

Remember, the foundation of any BDSM relationship should always be mutual respect, trust, and clear communication. Each relationship is unique, and while these guidelines provide a solid starting point, they can be tailored to fit specific dynamics and desires.


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