Male Slave Vetting Process

The search continues for a male slave to serve Master Black and The House of Black

Ideal Butler Candidate Profile for Master Black


• Currently residing in Tampa or willing to relocate.

• Owning a home in another area is an advantage but not a mandatory requirement.

Physical Appearance:

• Fit and maintains a healthy lifestyle.

• Clean-cut, presenting a neat and organized appearance.

Education & Communication:

• Well-educated, possessing either formal education or a wealth of life experiences that add value.

• Well-spoken, able to articulate thoughts clearly, and converse on various topics.

Professional & Work Ethic:

• Ideally works remotely from home or has a flexible work schedule.

• Demonstrates a strong attention to detail in all tasks, ensuring that all duties are performed to the highest standard.

• Continually seeks opportunities for professional and personal growth to improve service quality.

Dress & Presentation:

• Well-dressed, understanding the nuances of dressing for various occasions.

• Familiar with the specific needs and preferences of a Gentleman, catering to those requirements seamlessly.

Skills & Attributes:

• Knowledgeable in the traditional roles of an English butler, or willing to undergo training.

• Understands the high-protocol BDSM dynamics and is comfortable and enthusiastic about participating.

• Proactively works on enhancing skills, ensuring that service is always improving.

• Strong interpersonal skills, able to interact with guests and other staff members diplomatically.

• Discreet, respecting the privacy of Master Black and any household matters.

• Dedicated and loyal, placing the needs and preferences of Master Black at the forefront.

Additional Considerations:

• The candidate should be genuine in his desire to serve and not driven purely by personal fantasies.

• Willing to undergo a trial period to ensure compatibility with Master Black’s requirements.

• Open to feedback and constructive criticism, using it as a tool for growth.

Butler (Male Slave)


1. Greeting guests and ensuring their comfort.

2. Answering the door and telephone, and taking messages.

3. Managing the household’s schedule, ensuring appointments and events are timely and adequately addressed.

4. Supervising other staff (if any) and coordinating tasks and duties.

5. Setting the table, serving meals, and cleaning up after.

6. Managing the wine cellar, serving drinks, and understanding the preferences of the household and guests.

7. Handling finances, paying bills, and managing household accounts, if desired.

8. Overseeing household security and safety protocols.

9. Attending to personal needs such as wardrobe management, fetching items, and accompanying Master Black to events.

10. Any other tasks deemed suitable based on your dynamic.


1. To serve with discretion and maintain confidentiality.

2. To ensure the smooth operation of the household.

3. To always prioritize the safety and well-being of all household members.

4. To communicate openly about any challenges or concerns.

5. To always seek permission before making decisions outside of his role.

A brief overview of the slave position

More about the vetting process…


Note: I am a dedicated BDSM Master with over 20 years of experience in the lifestyle. This process is for genuine, serious candidates only. Do not proceed if your intentions are not sincere. My time is valuable.

Initial Review:

1. Deep Dive into My Background:

• Visit the following websites to gain an understanding of whom you are considering serving:

• Actions:

A) Watch the video titled “14 character traits of a Sigma.”

B) Go through my posts to grasp my mindset.

2. Expression of Genuine Interest:

• If you believe you align with my requirements, send an email to

• Attach a filled-out version of the generic contract available here: Master Black’s Contract

Face-to-Face Vetting:

Upon receiving your completed contract, I will reach out to arrange a direct vetting conversation. There are two options for this meeting:

A) Public Vetting:

• Choose between a Saturday Lunch or Sunday Brunch.

• As a sign of respect and commitment, you will cover the cost.

B) Private Vetting:

• This will take place at my residence.

• To secure a slot, submit a non-refundable deposit of $100 to my Cash App. Master Black’s Cash App Link Once received, your appt with Master Black will be set.

The deposit and meeting expenses are set to ensure the seriousness of the candidates and to value the time dedicated to this process. Master Black will not spend any energy answering questions prior to this point. Happy vetting and best of luck to all of the candidates out there.


Master Black’s Protocols

