Who is HD Black?

Standing 6’1” tall with brown eyes and a shaved head. Daddy sports a close cropped beard that is naturally colored salt & pepper. The beard stays, period! Athletic all of his life, HD has played or competed in Football, Wrestling, Jiu Jitsu, Rugby, Baseball, Track & Field, etc. Built like a linebacker, a brain like Einstein.

HD is unlike any other, as a large Dominant Sigma-male, he also has depth, intelligence, and most of all his intense passion for all things. One of his favorite quotes, “a man does anything the way he does everything.” Let me tell you, this man is intense, when he walks into the room everyone knows, you will feel his energy and if you are a true feminine, you will be drawn to him involuntarily.

In the bedroom

Romantic BDSM is a love making style that arouses and pleasures all of the senses, not just physical touch. Harley Daddy, his alter ego separate from his professional life has spent a lifetime learning and studying the art of seduction and Domination. Because of this his hobby became a passion and passion helps influence others in the darks arts. Harley Daddy Black is a Male Dominant & Sex Coach, or more appropriately a guide to a different world, one with pleasures you have yet to discover.

Out of the bedroom

Harley Daddy, HD, all references to one of Daddy’s favorite hobbies, long hard rides on one of his many Harley Davidson. Riding motorcycles and the freedom two wheels always presented, the hobby became part of his soul. You would be hard pressed to go a few days without seeing this sexy ass man straddle his iron horse. As a man who appreciates accuracy and discipline, Daddy is also a shooting instructor and spends a lot of time keeping his warrior skills on point. He prefers the long gun, carries a hand gun and can always fall back to the machine guns. Big water and big fish have always enticed HD, and so he makes it a mission to fight King Salmon on Lake Ontario, Steelhead on the Salmon River, or massive Tarpon in the Atlantic routinely as part of his self love regimen.

In the “Office”

Harley Daddy holds several professional licenses, owns his own company, and consults organizations ranging from small mom & pop businesses to Industry leading Multinational Corporations. HD is a High D on the Disc (99/100), a pure Red on the Color code, and scored over 97% internationally among all CEO on the cognitive Wonderlic test (yes the same one NASA and the NFL use). Because of this, he has been nicknamed “The Big Red D” by his peers and team members. Because of this HD Black is a corporate hit man of sorts. When shit needs to happen…They send in Daddy.

In the community

HD has been a life long fundraiser, philanthropist, youth coach and active volunteer for numerous organizations and causes. Daddy has sat on the board of several non profit organizations selflessly donating most of his available time.

For his country

He is a combat veteran with over 13 years of service. Daddy came home from Afghanistan in 2012 and left the military in 2014 and now he fights for veteran causes such as suicide prevention and awareness. He is active in a non profit that donates service dogs to deserving veterans and he continues to provide pro bono coaching services to struggling veterans.

Daddy as a FinDom?


What is a FinDom?